Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Kim Klassen's challenge this week was the color orange with any of her textures. I LOVE the color orange, but I didn't have any pretty flowers to post, but I did have this girl, a Malaysian Tiger, at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. It was feeding time and her cubs came out and were running around her. I think the snarl was a warning to the visitors to stay away from her babies! Here I used stampedsoftly multiply 100% and kk_crackerjack also multiply 100%.

She Picked Us!

This is one of our two dogs, Muffin. We found her at the pound approximately 8 years ago. When we walked in, all the other dogs were jumping and barking and trying to get our attention. Poor Muffin was cowering in the back of her cage. You could tell she had recently had pups. They spayed her and put her in the cage with no blanket to lay on. When they took her out of her cage for us to visit with, my daughter, who was 5 at the time sat on the floor in Muffin laid across her lap. So we took her home. She has been a wonderful pet! This black and white of her is my entry for the September Rock The Shot Photo Challenge.